What if working with consultants
actually was a productive and fun experience?

Header Test B

Build Executive Influence Skills

Industry: Financial Services

Challenge: Work with a newly formed strategy organization within a multi-billion dollar financial services firm to enhance their ability to become influential “trusted advisors” within their company.

Solution: Supported the ability of three Vice Presidents and two Sr. VPs to assume new professional identities with enhanced skills sets. We interviewed the leaders and their internal clients to put their collective and individual situations into context, facilitated a one day offsite, built a job related competency model, engaged in competency assessments, and then provided team and individual coaching over a four-month period.  We worked with the leaders to create an orientation manual that parallels their competency model containing key frameworks, tips and readings that would be reference material for them, and new VPs who are on-boarded to the group.

Impact: The VPs shifted their identity and perspective to become strategic partners to other leaders in the organization.  This enabled their internal clients to be better armed at effectively competing in the financial marketplace.  The value of a broadened leadership capability is now used by a couple of the recipients in new senior leadership positions within the company, with their training being lauded as a model for all senior leadership development.

Strengthen Organizational Capability

Industry: Higher Education

Challenge: Shift the dynamics amongst staff in a technical college from feeling like isolated second class citizens to more capable and connected team players.

Solution: Working with the Dean, Associate Deans and Human Resources, we designed a process to engage the 90 staff members in this college.  A cross-organizational planning team worked with us to design and implement a survey that provided a situational appraisal of what was working and not working well within the college.  Employees were engaged, felt heard and were given permission to propose how to address the three or four top challenges that they identified.  We facilitated the first full day offsite that included all staff, At that meeting, they got to know each other, built mutual respect, and launched teams to address key issues.

Impact:  Over the last two years, the staff has felt increasingly empowered and achieved several previously elusive goals. They have designed and run their own semi-annual off sites.  The working groups that were spawned during our project provided new systems and practices to work more effectively.  They created their own recognition program to complement the faculty recognition programs.   Other colleges in the university got wind of the change in effectiveness and morale of this staff group and are exploring ways to embrace similar programs in their organization.

Improve Productivity and Organizational Culture

Industry: Healthcare

Challenge: Enable a hospital department of 120 doctors, nurses and administrators to be more aligned in order to improve operations and the delivery of health care.

Solution: MetaView was brought in to coach individual physicians who assumed leadership positions.  We worked with the senior team to design a way to have greater collaboration and joint ownership amongst their employees.  After sharing full context in an offsite,  twelve heterogeneous teams of ten employees were created to have meaningful conversations that developed a greater understanding of each other’s roles, challenges and common needs.   Over a three month period, bi-weekly meetings focused on what respect looked like and they developed agreements on operating norms that bring out more of the best in them during often stressful times. We then collected input from all participants on improvements that would have the greatest impact on ambulatory care and set up accountable teams to redesign key processes.

Impact:  The department went from performing dead last amongst those in the hospital to one that has achieved several significant financial, operational, patient satisfaction and morale based indices.   Several other departments have sought out the department chair to share ideas on how they can accomplish similar turnarounds.  MetaView remains a trusted advisor in this hospital.